Das gute Leben

This is a photo from a wedding that ticked some box inside my head. I wanted to see it on paper and decided that it would be perfect for the frequent print exercise: not part of a series; no special meaning; just liked by me;

Das gute Leben Das gute Leben

For printing, this photo is a tough one. There are both tricky highlights and deep shadows with little detail above the noise-floor. Low ISO didn’t help here either. I print on an Epson 3880, on RC or fiber paper, for both I have custom-profiles. But shadows have always been tricky to get right, much so that I started to process according to numbers instead of looking. Say, above 5% there is detail, below is just nothing.

Especially with this photo, I didn’t want the shadows to drown, but also not to look unnaturally bright (i.e. washed out).

I think I am not completely satisfied with the outcome. But this is an exercise and the picture is not one that I will reprint to get it right.

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